Seemas Franchisee
Balaji Venugopal Alli SEEMAS Midbrain Activation brings changes in my children Balaji and Param. Now, Balaji is very confident about his Academics and in other activities like sports & music. He likes to play football. His confident level is tremendously increased. He is singing melodiously & taking interest in classical dance like kathak. He is very responsible for his work & for others also. Initially he was not ready to do this class, but when he is able to recognise the cards, the words he gained confident that he can do anything. No complaints about his health. He also takes interest in other sports also.

5/29/2015 2:19:00 AM

Paramdham Venugopal Alli Param is active & a humorous child. At the same time naughty & impatient. Initially he showed resistance to join the midbrain Activation class & took it very lightly. But now he understood it's importance in his day-to-day life. His concentration has improved remarkably. He shows high confidence in whatever he does. He has learned to divert his active energy. For him anything is possible. Thanks to SEEMAS ACADEMY With gratitude - Vandana & Venugopal

5/29/2015 6:29:00 AM

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